Who are we?

Play Chi Ball was started by us, Mike and Brad. We're two friends from the Pacific Northwest that believe that fun and play in the great outdoors are a recipe for the good life.

Play Chi Ball started as a way to pass the time while waiting for our friends to show up, and quickly grew into a local phenomenom beyond our wildest dreams.

Now we spend our days sharing the love of play with friends new and old across the beaches of our small island home.

What's up with the ball?

What's up with the ball?

Each Chi Ball is handmade out of sustainably grown and harvested natural materials.

It's lightweight, durable, and minimalist at heart—no plastic, bulky accessories, or breakable parts here.

And when you're done with your Chi Ball, pass it along to your friends or place it in the compost bin where it will return to the soil from which it came.

The origins of Chi Ball began in the late 70’s with a tai chi master using a tennis ball. It was then passed to a wizard named Phil in the early 2000s, back when It was called “Frapping”.

The game slowly spread from one Chi-Baller to the next until, eventually, we learned it from two hippies in the middle of the Arizona desert at a hot spring.

We instantly fell in love with the game (as do most people who play for the first time!)

Since then we've been sharing this fun and playful sport with as many Chi Ballers as we can. Whether it's at the beach or in the park, strangers can't help but coming up to ask "What is that?" before inevitably falling in love with this simple yet magical game.

What is Chi Ball?

Even though Chi Ball is a collaborative game played with two or more people, there is a competitive version. Teams race to 100 hits; if the ball hits the ground, you lose 10 points. If the ball bounces once but you keep the rally going, you only lose 5 points.

This style of Chi Ball is very fast and very fun! We call this “Going into the Chi Tunnel!”

The unofficial world record stands at 100 hits in 49.03 seconds by Bradley Morris & Isun Skelhorn.

How to play competitive
Chi Ball


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